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The Major Scale
twelve Vertical Shapes

by guitarLayers staff  – 26/07/2018

In this paragraph we will discuss about the concept of Vertical Shapes on guitar, focusing on major scale vertical shapes .

William Leavitt in the seventies introduced the concept of  Vertical Shapes, on the guitar fretboard, for scales and arpeggios. Vertical shapes allow guitarists to play any scale or arpeggio, in a five fret area, without shifting the hand.

Major Scale

As a result, for a given scale or  arpeggio we can obtain twelve shapes, five frets wide, one for each guitar fret.

In the picture above, for example, are shown the twelve major scale shapes visualized by scales degrees.

As you can notice many shapes contain repeated notes on the 2nd and 3rd strings, so that we can obtain two different set of diagrams. 

Here we have twelve shapes obtained removing repeated notes from the 2nd string.

Major Scale

And here we have twelve shapes obtained removing repeated notes from the 3rd string.

Major scale

In conclusion, the following video shows how automatically obtain scales and arpeggios Vertical Shapes with guitarLayers.
GuitarLayers can generate automatically Vertical Shapes for the common scales and arpeggios but, more powerful, for any user-defined custom scale or arpeggio.
Moreover GuitarLayers library contains pre-compiled diagrams with the vertical shapes of the most used scales.
All diagrams on this article are obtained automatically with guitarLayers.

GuitarLayers is a professional macOS guitar learning and teaching software. It allows you to visualize and manage, scales, chords and arpeggios shapes through a fully parametric control interface.
Moreover it enables you to visualize harmonic concepts by overlapping shapes on the guitar fretboard thanks to a powerful layering system.

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